
Welcome to Stories, a place to explore—and be inspired by—the wonder of our natural and cultural worlds.

Look who didn't get stuck at La Brea Tar Pits
When colleagues at La Brea Tar Pits contacted me, seemingly out of the blue, to request my help with camera trap monitoring in one of their excavation sites, I was already eager to pay them a visit.
Los Angeles is Being Invaded by Frogs!
Sunday, September 6, 7:54 pm, my phone vibrates with an incoming text message.
Your Climate Change Talking Points
We asked museum scientists, volunteers, and Angelenos to tell us how they wrap their heads around the topic of climate change, how they explain it, and how it informs their everyday lives.
Tiny Marine Marvels
DISCO collects specimens down by the docks
Minerals on Mars
Scientists have long wondered if Mars could support life. But what exactly should we look for?
Nature Gardens Rain Catchers
Angelenos have been switching out lawns for alternative turf, and visiting NHM to soak up conservation tips for their gardens and neighborhoods.
Our Bird Curator's New Perch
Meet Dr. Allison Shultz, the museum’s new Assistant Curator of Ornithology.
A Gamer at Hart
An evening pastime at the house of William S. Hart
Paleo Prep School
Students dig up the bones of real prehistoric beasts for college credit in the first-ever La Brea Tar Pits Field School.
Be a Bat Detector
We are inviting residents in neighborhoods around L.A. County to track bat activities for the first large-scale study of how these creatures use urban and suburban habitats.