Celebrating Armenian Culture and Communities
Recognizing the heritage and history of the Armenian community in L.A., past and present.

A Celebration of Armenian Heritage Month
The Natural History Museums of Los Angeles County are proud to join the nationwide celebration of Armenian History Month in April. During this month, and throughout the year, we will share stories from past and present and recognize the richly diverse Armenian community that calls Los Angeles home.
Delve into stories connected to the vibrant Armenian community in Los Angeles, where tradition meets innovation, and the past intertwines with the present to shape a future rich in culture and community. From the diaspora of the early 1900s that were displaced due to the genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire, to the large wave of immigrants in the ’90s after the Soviet Union collapsed, Los Angeles County has become an epicenter of Armenian communities and culture, boasting the largest population of Armenians in the world, outside of Armenia. Explore, engage, and celebrate the enduring legacy of Armenian heritage in the City of Angels!
Join the conversation on social media by sharing your own stories about Armenian History and Heritage by using #NHMLA and #ArmenianHistoryMonth.