Rare Nine-Spotted Ladybug Found in L.A.!
"Did I just discover a ‘lost ladybug’ here in the Nature Gardens?”
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How Do You Say Fly in Swedish?
An interview with fly researcher Emily Hartop.
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Nature Gardens Pill Bugs
I always knew we'd find pill bugs in the Nature Gardens, but until recently I didn't know what species, or that they'd have such an interesting story.
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The Coffin Fly
As you well know, we are fly obsessed here at BioSCAN.
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The Birds and the Bees of Ladybug STDs
Mulitcolored Asian ladybug, Harmonia axyridis, collected from the roof of Angel City Brewery in Downtown LA. Ladybug date night?
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Trapped in Amber
New amber in the entomology collections record past animals’ behavior.
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Q: What are Those Miniature Spiky Puffballs? A: Brown Widow Egg Sacs
Earlier this week, staff found some small circular egg cases on a gate in the North Campus. Upon closer inspection we realized they were brown widow, Latrodectus geometricus, egg sacs.
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When Fig Beetles Attack!
It’s a beautiful summer day in L.A. and I am strolling across a wide open lawn. The sky is bright blue and decorated with scattered clouds. 
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