A Nature Walk Through Charmlee Wilderness Park With KFAM
Join young Angelenos, Korean American Family Services, and NHM researchers for a nature walk through Charmlee Wilderness Park.

Funded through the Outdoor Equity Grants Program, the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County partnered with KFAM (Korean American Family Services) to explore Charmlee Wilderness Park with members of the community. Part of the recently awarded "The Natural History Museums of Los Angeles County and Wild L.A.: Explore the Amazing Nature In and Around L.A." grant, the Charmlee Wilderness Park day hike is only the first in a series of events meant to bring young Angelenos informal science education and meaningful connections with nature. Nothing is quite as inspiring as spending time in nature, and it's hoped that these opportunities can help inspire participants to become future generations of scientists and environmentalists–generations that might better reflect the demographic diversity of Los Angeles County and the State of California.