Out of an abundance of caution amid severe conditions throughout Los Angeles, the Natural History Museum and La Brea Tar Pits will be closed Friday, January 10. Please continue to check our website and social media channels for updates.

Climate Change, Reptiles, and You!

Animals are already reacting to climate change

Two males biting the head and neck region of a female Southern Alligator Lizard

Southerly Sea SNakes and Lizard Courtship

Join Dr. Greg Pauly, NHM's Curator of Herpetology, for a look at how climate change is already impacting the behavior of animals in the wild.

Yellow-bellied sea snakes are showing up more frequently further south than ever before. This shift in movement informs scientists about the species and our changing climate.

Yellow Bellied Sea Snake
This rare yellow-bellied sea snake washed up on Southern California shores and is now part of the Museum’s collections

Climatic shifts are also affecting the unique mating behavior of alligator lizards. Researchers are working with community scientists to track this trend. 

Southern Alligator Lizards in a mating hold and very likely mating
Southern alligator lizards in a mating hold and very likely mating. Observed and photographed by Felix Langer and Teo Langer (age 5 and 8, respectively, when these lizards were observed April 10, 2016) with help from their mom, Ariel.

Learn how museum collections and innovative, crowd-sourced science are helping us better understand our warming planet.