Spider Acitivity: Anti-Arachnophobia with Live Animals

Child looking at a spider through a magnifying glass in the Spider Pavilion

Enjoy this DYI craft from 2021 Haunted Museum!

Create your very own spider web to enjoy all season long! Watch Forest Urban, former Manager of Invertebrate Living Collections, as he explores the world of spiders and other insects living at NHM and the frighteningly fascinating lives they lead.


Spider Web Activity

Ask an Adult for help!

FY22 Haunted Museum- Spider Web Activity


  • Popsicle Sticks (3)
  • Glue (Elmers or Hot Glue Gun)
  • Yarn (40 inches)
  • Optional: Marker or paint

Instructions for Spider Web:

1. Glue the three (3) popsicle sticks together in a star-like shape and allow it to dry.

2. (Optional) Once the glue is dried, paint your popsicle sticks. You can use markers or paint!

3. Once the paint or markers are dry, tie one end of your yarn in the middle where all the sticks meet

4. Now begin to wrap the yarn around each popsicle stick in a circle 

5. Once you are done wrapping the yarn, make a knot around one popsicle stick. (Optional: leave a small amount of yarn so you can hang your spider web.)

6. You are all done with your web!

FY22 Haunted Museum Arachnid Activity Part 2

Materials for Spider: 

  • Pipe Cleaners (2)
  • Scissors 

Instruction for Spider:

1. Have an adult to help you for this part! Start off by cutting your two Pipe Cleaners in half.

2. Holding all 4 Pipe Cleaners together, wrap them around  your finger and twist to create the body of the spider. 

3. Now, let work on the legs! Using the ends of the Pipe Cleaners (you should have 8 in total), fold the Pipe Cleaners 2 times.

4. Now, move around the legs and adjust them how you like. 

5. Once you are done, your spider should be able to stand!

We would love to see your webs and spiders! Make sure to share your creations with us by posting your pictures in Instagram and tagging @NHMLA and use #NHMLACMember.


Continue exploring the Spider Pavilion before it crawls away!